Poker's Still Popular

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Poker's Still Popular

So I will revise my numbers for this year and my two-year cumulative. One player (we'll call him the ADVERSARY) limps in from middle-position. It was a pot-limit game (or no-limit, I don't remember exactly) run by Jack and Doc behind the Doubletree Hotel off Central Expressway.

Later I made another small raise when the blinds were 100-200 to 450. You still have your plane ticket to get outta here, don't you? Sometimes it can be very hard to lay down what looks to be a very strong hand like top pair top kicker in the face of a lone raise on the popular poker flop, but knowing when to do so is huge in determining how you will far in multi-table tournaments over the long haul. This doesn't necessarily mean all draws should be played post-flop, but solid draws are often worth pursuing because of better implied odds than in other games (i.e. Mary might have had the means.

And still, they can fail time and time again to beat whatever could be beaten easily by those they conquered. There are just lots of tables and lots of single-table winners who win the right to advance. The flop comes 10-x-x. One by one the tables were whittled away until we were down to the final four tables, at which point we moved to the foyer to play our way down to the money, which would belong to the final three tables.

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